Course Information







General Relativity Notes


Wheeler: Special Relativity: the invariant interval

The invariant interval in special relativity


Wheeler: Relativistic Dynamics

Relativistic Dynamics (exercises 1 - 6 required)


Wheeler: Index Notation (work all exercises, unless you have already for another course)


Torre: Vectors and dual vectors (includes exercises)


Wheeler: More on vectors (skip the exercises for now)


Torre: What is a tensor?


Wikipedia: Covariant formulation of classical electromagnetism


     Note that the form of the spacetime metric in this article is the negative of our convention, so signs will differ. Nonetheless, the article gives an excellent concise summary of the results.


Wheeler: Examples of tensors


     The covariant formulation of MaxwellÕs equations, and examples of energy-momentum tensors and their general properties


Wheeler: Manifolds, vectors and forms

     Formal definitions of manifolds, vectors and forms


Wheeler: General coordinates and the connection

     An introduction to general coordinates, the covariant derivative and the connection


Torre: Worksheet from February 6


Wheeler: Parallel transport and geodesics

     A derivation of the parallel transport and geodesic equations, with examples


Wheeler: Introduction to curvature

     A constructive introduction to curvature in 2 dimensions


Wheeler: The Riemann curvature tensor and the Einstein equation

     Curvature in general and the Einstein equation



     Midterm exam, due March 8.


Wheeler: The Newtonian limit

     By comparing with Newtonian predictions, we fit the constants in the Schwarzschild solution and the Einstein equation.

     The comparison requires us to develop the linearized version of Einstein gravity


Larson: Relativistic Stars


Wheeler: Symmetry and Killing fields


Torre: Cosmological Solutions

     Maple worksheet


Larson: Gravitational Waves


Larson: Cosmology






Torre: Introduction to general relativity using Maple.

Introduction to Maple Worksheet (zipped)



Torre: Tensor analysis in Euclidean space using Maple.

Tensor analysis in Euclidean space (zipped)



Course Information



