Phys 3750 -- Wave Phenomena
Fall 2016

Lecture Notes
Graphical Material
Example Exams

Lecture Notes (pdf files)

Lecture 1 (Course / Syllabus Overview)
Lecture 2 (Harmonic Oscillations / Complex Numbers)
Lecture 3 (Two Coupled Oscillators / Normal Modes)
Lecture 4 (Normal Mode Coordinates / Initial Value Problem)

                   (Homework 1)
Lecture 5
(Linear Chain / Normal Modes)
Lecture 6 (Traveling Waves, Standing Waves, and the Dispersion Relation)
7 (Long Wavelength Limit / Normal Modes)
Lecture 8 (1D Wave Equation - General Solution / Gaussian Function)
9 (General Solution with Boundary Conditions)
                   (Homework 2)
Lecture 1
0 (General Solution Using Normal Modes)
Lecture 11 
(Introduction to Fourier Series)
                   (Midterm Exam I)
Lecture 12
(Complex Fourier Series)
Lecture 13
(Vector Spaces / Real Space)
Lecture 14
(A Vector Space of Functions)
                   (Homework 3)
Lecture 15
(The Dirac Delta Function)
Lecture 16 (Introduction to Fourier Transforms)
Lecture 17
(Fourier Transforms and the Wave Equation)
Lecture 18
(3D Wave Equation and Plane Waves / 3D Differential Operators)
                     (Homework 4)
Lecture 19
(Separation of Variables in Cartesian Coordinates)
Lecture 20
(The Wave Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates)
                     (Midterm Exam II)
Lecture 21 (Separation of Variables in Cylindrical Coordinates)
Lecture 22 (Separation of Variables in Spherical Coordinates)
                     (Homework 5)
Lecture 23 (Spherical Coordinates II / A B. V. Problem / Separation of Variables Summary)
Lecture 24 (Energy Density / Energy Flux / Total Energy in 1D)
Lecture 25 (Energy Density / Energy Flux / Total Energy in 3D)
Lecture 26 (The 1D Schrödinger Equation for a Free Particle)
Lecture 27 (A Propagating Wave Packet - The Group Velocity)
                     (Homework 6)
Lecture 28 (A Propagating Wave Packet - Group Velocity Dispersion)
Lecture 29 (The Uncertainty Principle)
                     (Midterm Exam III)
Lecture 30 (Divergence and Curl)
Lecture 31 (Maxwell's Equations)
                     (Homework 7)
Lecture 32 (Energy Density and the Poynting Vector)
Lecture 33 (Review)
                     (Homework 8)