Department of Physics
USU / Department of Physics / USU Chapter of the SPS

Society of Physics Students Sigma Pi Sigma

Utah State University


Chapter of the


Society of Physics Students


The Utah State University Chapter of the Society of Physics Students is a recognized university club sponsored by the Department of Physics. The intent of the club is to foster a physical understanding of the universe, to develop student-mentor relationships, to examine the professonal physics employment opportunities and research, and to provide service to the community through physics outreach programs in schools and other local events. The local chapter is affiliated with the national professional society, but members are NOT required to be part of the national society or majoring in physics. If you have ANY interest in joining this unique group please send an email to our President .

The USU Chapter won the Outstanding Chapter Award for 2006 and a Sigma Pi Sigma induction ceremony grant to hold our first induction ceremony in many years.

The national physics honor society Sigma Pi Sigma also has a recognized chapter here at Utah State University. Our chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma is directly affiliated with the Society of Physics Students here on campus. Students of physics interested in being nominated to become members of the honor society may contact the Sigma Pi Sigma President.

SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma Events and Information
SPS Application SPS Bylaws 2006 Outstanding Chapters
Meeting & Events Schedule Physics Outreach Program 2007 Outstanding Chapters
2008 Sigma Pi Sigma Undergrad Research Award 2008 Outstanding Undergrad Research Award 2008 Outstanding Leadership Scholarships
URA Interim Report Zone 15 Directory Yearbooks & Picture Archive

© 2007 - Department of Physics, Utah State University, Logan UT 84322, (435)797-2857
Webpage content design by SPS Educational Outreach, send questions or comments to: SPS Educational Outreach