Quantum Field Theory - home 

PHYS 5500/6930
Quantum Field Theory
Charles Torre, SER 232, 797-3426, Charles.Torre@usu.edu
MW, 11:30-12:45, SER 122
What is a Photon? Foundations of Quantum Field Theory,  by Charles Torre
Office Hours:
By appointment
Learning Objectives:
  • Knowledgequantum harmonic oscillator, tensor products of Hilbert spaces, quantum theory in Fock space, electromagnetic fields and the Maxwell equations, Fourier analysis, quantum field theoretic description of the photon, spontaneous emission of photons in atoms

  • Skills:   Application of the fundamental tools of many body quantum mechanics and quantum field theory in a variety of simple contexts; problem solving; applied mathematics; scientific exposition.

  • Thinking: Critical and scientific thinking. Understanding microscopic systems using quantum reasoning.

Homework (100%).
Topics Covered:

  • Harmonic Oscillator
  • Tensor Products and Identical Particles
  • Fock Space
  • Electromagnetic Fields
  • Mathematical model of a Photon
  • Quantum Fluctuations and Spontaneous Emission
Additional information
  • This class is somewhat experimental.  It is designed to provide a bridge between a senior-level class in quantum mechanics and graduate-level courses in many-body theory and relativistic particle physics. Prerequisites are undergraduate-level quantum mechanics and electrodynamics.
  • Because of the slightly novel level of this course, I could find no obviously suitable textbook.  I have made one for us.  This is good because: (1) the text will be tailored to our needs, and (2) the text will be free.  This is bad because you usually get what you pay for.  For better or for worse, you will find the text here. I will update and correct it from time to time, so keep an eye on that page. 
  • There are two tracks for this class.  PHYS 5500 should be suitable for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students.  PHYS 6930 is intended for more advanced graduate students.  The material covered in class will be the same for both tracks, but the homework assignments will differ in that the 6930 students will have additional, more advanced problems to work through.
  • Listening to me pontificate in class about quantum field theory will undoubtedly be a sublime experience, but you will probably learn nothing from it.  If you diligently work through the text and homework problems you will likely learn quite a lot.  For this reason I am basing your entire grade on the assigned problems.  Do not neglect them!

Honor Code

The honor code will be strictly enforced in this course. Any suspected violations of the honor code will be promptly reported to the honor system. For more information please visit: http://www.usu.edu/policies/PDF/Acad-Integrity.pdf 

Disability Resource Center

            USU welcomes students with disabilities. If you have, or suspect you may have, a physical, mental health, or learning disability that may require accommodations in this course, please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) as early in the semester as possible (University Inn # 101, 435‐797‐2444, drc@usu.edu). All disability related accommodations must be approved by the DRC.  Once approved, the DRC will coordinate with faculty to provide accommodations.